Salary record for Krystal Smith Phillips
Phillips, Krystal Smith
DateVP CollegeDepartmentTitleOrganizationPosition Group
9/30/2018 College of Veterinary Med Vet Teaching Hospital Vet Medical Records Specialist VTH-Medical Records University
0.00 $ 48,422.40 $ 35.34
1/31/2019 College of Veterinary Med Vet Teaching Hospital Vet Medical Records Specialist VTH-Medical Records University
0.00 $ 48,422.40 $ 23.28
6/30/2020 College of Veterinary Med Vet Teaching Hospital Vet Medical Records Specialist VTH-Medical Records University
0.00 $ 0.00 $ 23.28
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year.
Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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