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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Hamilton, Shelly Ann Office of the President Institutional Communications Vice President $ 296,735.04 $ 142.66
Davey, Christopher Office of the President Institutional Communications Associate Vice President $ 205,008.00 $ 98.56
Komlanc, Lindsay Marie Office of the President Institutional Communications Assistant Vice President $ 156,720.00 $ 75.35
Guinan, Deborah Athy Office of the President Institutional Communications Director-A4 $ 114,756.00 $ 55.17
Grabmeier, Jeffrey Steven Office of the President Institutional Communications Director-A5 $ 111,480.00 $ 53.60
Johnson, Benjamin Office of the President Institutional Communications Director-A4 $ 108,612.00 $ 52.22
Camoriano, Joe George Office of the President Institutional Communications Director-A4 $ 94,872.00 $ 45.61
Chordas, Nicholas Severance Office of the President Institutional Communications Sr Executive Communication Spl $ 90,852.00 $ 43.68
Kulik, Lauren E Office of the President Institutional Communications Dir-University Relations $ 82,608.00 $ 39.72
Caldwell, Emily Karen Office of the President Institutional Communications Program Manager $ 78,552.00 $ 37.77
Crane, Misti Lyn Office of the President Institutional Communications Editor $ 77,076.00 $ 37.06
Martineau, Gail Office of the President Institutional Communications Comm & Mrktg Manager $ 74,172.00 $ 35.66
Kilbane, Kevin M Office of the President Institutional Communications Writer $ 71,760.00 $ 34.50
Murray-Goedde, Amy S Office of the President Institutional Communications Editor $ 71,544.00 $ 34.40
Arenschield, Laura Office of the President Institutional Communications Editor $ 71,004.00 $ 34.14
Nestor, Aaron C Office of the President Institutional Communications Assistant Director $ 66,636.00 $ 32.04
Booker, Christopher Joseph Office of the President Institutional Communications Editor $ 64,836.00 $ 31.17
Culley, Meagan Maureen Office of the President Institutional Communications Executive Assistant $ 64,368.00 $ 30.95
Warren, Adam Office of the President Institutional Communications Writer $ 58,428.00 $ 28.09
Lazarus, Frances Office of the President Institutional Communications Office Admin Associate $ 48,859.20 $ 23.49
Green, Na'Tyra D. Office of the President Institutional Communications Program Assistant $ 41,017.60 $ 19.72
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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