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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Kalmar, John Richard College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Professor-Clinical $ 186,594.96 $ 89.71
Mallery, Susan Regina College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Professor $ 162,883.56 $ 78.31
Harrington, Christine Anne College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 120,798.24 $ 58.08
McNamara, Kristin K College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Associate Professor-Clinical $ 88,945.44 $ 42.76
Marin, Mary Frances College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Clinical Lab Technologist $ 68,868.80 $ 33.11
Bernath, Merritt L. College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Clinical Lab Technologist-Lead $ 63,523.20 $ 30.54
Pei, Ping College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Research Associate 2-B/H $ 61,002.96 $ 29.33
Wang, Daren College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Research Associate 2-B/H $ 59,427.72 $ 28.57
Beatty, Monica Rose College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Office Associate $ 55,452.80 $ 26.66
Elias, Jennifer L College of Dentistry Oral Pathology Medical Records Coding Spclst $ 49,982.40 $ 24.03
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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