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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Barnard, John College of Medicine Pediatrics Chair $ 188,663.76 $ 90.70
Sahenk, Zarife College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 184,273.92 $ 88.59
Bakaletz, Lauren Beth College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 167,001.72 $ 80.29
Kumar, Ashok College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Associate Professor-Clinical $ 158,250.24 $ 76.08
Griffen, Ann Lindsay College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Professor $ 145,726.80 $ 70.06
Amini, Homa College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Professor-Clinical $ 131,099.04 $ 63.03
Gross, Erin Leigh College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 109,402.44 $ 52.60
Claman, Daniel B College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Assistant Professor-Clinical $ 102,415.56 $ 49.24
Mahan, John Donald College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 93,715.68 $ 45.06
Hurtubise, Lawrence C. College of Medicine Pediatrics Associate Director $ 91,555.32 $ 44.02
Coury, Daniel Lee College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 88,230.48 $ 42.42
DiLorenzo, Carlo College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 85,720.20 $ 41.21
Kemper, Kathi J College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 83,945.04 $ 40.36
Lo, Warren David College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 79,793.52 $ 38.36
McCoy, Karen Sharrock College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 73,409.28 $ 35.29
Kelleher, Kelly J College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 70,613.04 $ 33.95
Splaingard, Mark Louis College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 67,209.84 $ 32.31
Walker, Christopher M College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 67,110.96 $ 32.26
Tsao, Chang-Yong College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 66,066.12 $ 31.76
Peeples, Mark Edward College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 63,999.12 $ 30.77
Bartholomew, Dennis W College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor - Practice $ 62,781.84 $ 30.18
Cohen, Daniel Michael College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor-Clinical $ 62,709.96 $ 30.15
Moody, Deana R College of Medicine Pediatrics Human Resources Generalist $ 62,123.76 $ 29.87
Smith, Gary Alan College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 61,882.80 $ 29.75
Hoffman, Robert Paul College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 60,759.48 $ 29.21
Groner, Judith A College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor - Practice $ 60,185.76 $ 28.94
Vieland, Veronica J College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 59,911.20 $ 28.80
Hollern, Gretchen Jana College of Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Office Admin Associate $ 59,155.20 $ 28.44
Swartz, Regina H College of Medicine Pediatrics Program Manager $ 58,940.28 $ 28.34
Jadcherla, Sudarshan R College of Medicine Pediatrics Professor $ 58,652.16 $ 28.20
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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