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2019 Ohio State University Salaries
Name VP College Department Title Annual Base Salary Hourly Rate
Bartlett, John D College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 224,124.60 $ 107.75
Sheridan, John Francis College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 179,121.96 $ 86.12
Reiser, Peter Jacob College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 146,262.60 $ 70.32
Travers, Susan Plock College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 139,718.04 $ 67.17
Leys, Eugene James College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 130,280.40 $ 62.63
Quan, Ning College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 128,388.96 $ 61.73
Travers, Joseph Ben College of Dentistry Biosciences Professor $ 105,664.92 $ 50.80
Foster, Brian Lee College of Dentistry Biosciences Assistant Professor $ 99,225.48 $ 47.70
Beall, Clifford James College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Associate Professor $ 93,773.52 $ 45.08
Melfi, Rudy C College of Dentistry Biosciences Retiree-Faculty Emeritus $ 69,487.32 $ 33.41
Piper, Christine J College of Dentistry Biosciences Grants & Contracts Specialist $ 60,375.00 $ 29.03
Chen, Zhixiong College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant Professor $ 59,363.76 $ 28.54
Powell, Nicole College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Scientist $ 58,073.60 $ 27.92
Moyer, Christina College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Scientist $ 54,218.52 $ 26.07
Tudor-Tangeman, Jessie F.E. College of Dentistry Biosciences Office Admin Associate $ 51,688.00 $ 24.85
Balasubramanian, Kalyanasundar College of Dentistry Biosciences Post Doctoral Researcher $ 47,844.00 $ 23.00
Ikeda, Atsushi College of Dentistry Biosciences Post Doctoral Researcher $ 47,500.08 $ 22.84
Kolli, Tamara N College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 41,704.00 $ 20.05
Belevych, Natalya O College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 41,496.00 $ 19.95
Gallagher, Natalie College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 36,400.00 $ 17.50
Hashmi, Shahr B. College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 33,904.00 $ 16.30
Semmedi, Cemaliye College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 2-B/H $ 33,176.00 $ 15.95
Thompson, Zachary College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 29,848.00 $ 14.35
Lasanta, Katia Yamil College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 27,372.80 $ 13.16
McDaniel, Aaron Lee College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 27,040.00 $ 13.00
Tan, Michelle Henthorn College of Dentistry Biosciences Research Assistant 1-B/H $ 26,520.00 $ 12.75
Green figures are calulated based on 2,080 hours per year. Black numbers are published figures from OSU

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